

Welcome to our girl gaming blog. We weren't really sure what to call this thing; a lot of good titles were taken. Also, calling a blog 'Feminist Gaming' is a little bit of a contradiction, since really hard-core feminists can find a million things wrong with any game...even Tetris... and we're not just going to use this as a bitching repository for how every game has offended us.

I mean, don't get me wrong. There will be plenty of bitching. But part of being a responsible feminist and a responsible gamer is to turn off FIGHT mode once in a while. I might rally against Cooking Mama once in a while but you know I still play that game because I demand gold medals for my omelettes and spring rolls.

Li'l T out.


Unknown said...

Fuckin' right! SCHOOL that omelette! >o<

Jessi said...

Cool, I'm glad you guys are doing this. As a fellow female who loves games I'm interested in what you'll have to say.

Amelia said...

If you made me spring rolls, I would give you gold medals for them no matter what.