
Because Normal Guitars Are For Boys

Disney youngins Aly and AJ are here to rescue our tweens and teens from playing those icky normal looking guitar controllers that all the boys play with. Instead, they (with peripheral maker PDP) have designed something pinker for our young women to use so playing guitar on video games (which happen to feature predominantly male-created music anyway) won't offend their adolescent feminine sensibilities with masculinizing colors like black, or red, or sunburst.

Now, I'm not saying that people (PEOPLE, not just girls) can't have pink guitars. I have never personally had an inclination to buy a pink instrument (though I've owned two basses and a guitar), but I fully support people's basic freedom to buy whatever they want in whatever color they please. What I hate is that it's always girls who are marketed pink anything. And in video gaming, stuff made for and marketed for "gurlz" is almost always pink. It's sickening. It's this kind of novelty which continues to perpetrate the notion that gaming is for the boys.

A century ago (and centuries before that), it used to be that it was red (pink) for boys and blue for girls. Now, even though that's been reversed, we never see the "for boyz" crap happening where things that are usually marketed to women are made a pastel blue and then marketed in some obnoxious way to make boys feel like they are anomalies in that particular interest.

If this crap is going to continue, I want to see some male Disney stars create some obnoxious blue peripheral- like Wii-mote spatula attachments for Cooking Mama or something else I would find equally as ridiculous and objectionable.



Unknown said...

No, no, the WiiSpatula shouldn't be made PASTEL blue; everyone knows that pastels are radioactively full of girl-cooties regardless of what particular color it happens to be. It should be SCREAMIN' ACTION ATOMIC NEON SNOWBOARD BLUE. Preferably with INTENSE black details and similarly INTENSE yellow stripes here and there. Now THAT'S a MAN'S color!

Unknown said...

Another example of a related phenomenon from my brother's blog:
