
Dissidia: Equal Opportunity Heroes?

Shock and glee! Kefka is in the new Final Fantasy: Dissidia trailer! And he's just as crazy as I imagined.

Best part, the scene they show in the trailer hints at something even better! While talking to Cloud of Darkness, he stops her and basically tells her to play carefully because the woman she's targeting is a "very special friend" of his.

Does this mean we could have Terra or Celes joining the all male cast of heroes in Dissidia?

Trailer via GameTrailers.


K. M. said...

The real question: why was the FFVI component announced after the FFIII component? Is the Onion Knight really that much more interesting than Terra or Celes?

Arbitrary Zero said...

Maybe they felt that if they revealed the cast of VI at the beginning that the other cast members wouldn't be as exciting to their audience and people would steadily lose interest as they waited for the game to be released.